Wednesday, April 1, 2009


We can't believe it, but Alex recently turned 5 years old! We took the opportunity to celebrate his birthday outside as we don't often see 65 degree weather at the end of March in upstate New York. Alex had a lot of fun playing with all of his friends in the backyard. On the same day as Alex's party, Abby went to her first birthday party. She was so excited and had a great time.

Abby before her first birthday party

Alex's cake

Sandbox fun

Opening presents

Alex wrestling with his favorite wrestling partner


Becky Butcher said...

Looks like you had a great birthday party Alex. Thankyou for sharing these pictures! Hope you had fun at your very first birthday party invite, Abby. Love you all.

Melissa said...

what an adorable birthday cake!! Can I have one?!

Danalin said...

I think I say this on every post...but I can't believe how big your kids are getting! 5 years old?! What cute kids!

Levi said...

Samantha had a great time. Thanks for the cross-gender invite Alex!